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Build Your Dream Space With U'Room!

Dream Room Stories
NYC Empire State of mind

NYC Empire State of mind

The Racer’s Haven

The Night Racer’s Hideout

The Melodic Haven

The Melodic Haven

The Neon Gamer's Lair

The Neon Gamer's Lair

Autumn Dreams

Autumn Dreams

Turbocharged Dreams

Turbocharged Dreams

Vogue Architect

Vogue Architect

Get your own Design service by filling the Form down below!

3D Room Design

Build your Haven now!

- The 3D Room is going to be sent as Pictures as posted on our website, Not a 360° responsive format.

- Will recommend furniture and products from our website that match and suit the style of your room that we designed under your given information.

- You will get your 3D Room Design in Less than 48 Hours!

- Submit the form then proceed to payment.

Note: Make sure your "Form & Order" personal information are matching.